Transportation Engineering - II (English)
Unit 1.Introduction and Permanent Way Components: Types and Selection of Gauges, Selection of Alignment, Ideal Permanent Ways and Cross-sections in different conditions, Drainage, Salient Features and types of Components viz. Rails, Sleepers, Ballast, Rail Fastenings.Study of Specific Aspects: Coning of Wheels, Creep, Wear, failures in Rails, Rail Joints, Length of Rail, Sleeper Density and Spacing, Stations, Yards and Sidings, Turn-Table, Signaling.
Unit 2.Points and Crossings: Types of Turnouts, Points or Switches, layout Plans of different types of Crossings, Design calculations of turnouts.Railway Systems Specific to Urban Movements: Surface railways (sub urban railway system of Mumbai, Chennai and Delhi), Underground system (Metro of Kolkata/ Delhi), Elevated Systems (as Proposed for Jaipur, Delhi, Mumbai), Light Rail System (MRTS, Thane). Recent Developments in Railway Networking.
Unit 3.Geometric Design: Gradient and Grade Compensation, Super elevation and cant, cant deficiency, Types of Curves, Transition curves, their designs, Widening of Gauges.
Unit 4.Airport Engineering: Introduction: Requirements to Airport Planning, Airport Classifications, Factors in Airport Site Selection, Airport Size, Obstructions, Zoning.Planning and Design of Airport: Requirements of Airport, Planning of Terminal Area, and different Layouts, Location of Gates, Types of Runway patterns, Runway Layout, Runway Length, Geometric Design of Runways, Layout of Taxiways, Geometric Standards, Exit or Turnaround Taxiways, Apron and Hangers. .
Unit 5.Airport Pavement Design: Factors Affecting Pavement Design, Design methods of Flexible Pavements, Design methods of Rigid Pavements.
Author: Sunitha Bansal
- Publisher: Genius Publications (Latest Edition)
- Language: English