Water Resource Engineering-I (English)
Chapter 1 Begins with the introduction to Irrigation. The chapter discusses the status of Irrigation in India including the crop sessions, water quality and various types of methods of irrigation. There is an extensive discussion regarding the techniques of water harvesting and conservation of water resources.
Chapter 2 Branches into two parts. In first part canal irrigation is described with its design aspects. This part covers the various standard theories of designing canals. The second part highlights the water distribution system in India. It consists of various types of delivery systems such as rotational and continuous delivery system.
Chapter 3 Covers two parts. First is related to the distribution of canal water system in practical conditions. In second part the chapter deals with the Alluvial River and their basic features and functions. All the techniques utilised in Hydraulics of Alluvial Rivers are described intensively
Chapter 4 Embodies the topic of water logging. The chapter highlights the designing of lined and unlined channels well irrigation, types of tube wells and its irrigational uses.
Chapter 5 Encompasses the topic of the Hydrological system and its application in Engineering. Numerous new technologies for the rainfall measurement and analysis are discussed in an extensive manner in the chapter. The numerical portion regarding these new technologies are also sufficiently covered.
Author: Sunita Bansal
- Publisher: Genius Publications (Latest Edition)
- Language: English