Meditation and Its Practice By Swami Rama (Telugu) Paperback - 2018
Meditation and Its Practice By Swami Rama (Telugu) Paperback - 2018
n this practical guide to inner life, Swami Rama teaches us how to slip beyond the mental turbulence of our ordinary thought processes into an infinite reservoir of consciousness from which we can draw guidance, creative power, joy and tranquility. The Program for Progress in Meditation outlined here opens the door to internal resources we have always had at our disposal, but have not been able to access. These are the techniques the sages of India have used from time immemorial to live in harmony with the world around them, to find strength to face life’s difficulties and to know themselves. Meditation can give you that which nothing else can give you. It introduces you to yourself.
Swami Rama, one of the greatest masters from the Himalayas, is the founder of the Himalayan Institute. Born in India, he studied in both India and Europe and received his spiritual training in the Himalayan cave monasteries and in Tibet. His best-known work, Living with the Himalayan Masters, reveals the many facets of this singular adept and demonstrates his embodiment of the living tradition of the East.
- Author: Swami Rama
- Paperback: 112 pages
- Publisher: Jaico Publishing House; 1 edition (19 December 2018)
- Language: Telugu