Predictable Results in Unpredictable Times (Telugu) Paperback – 2014
No one has ever faced times like these. Great corporations totter. Jobs disappear by the millions. Vast new economies seem to grow up overnight. Business today is like running a river that's all rapids. How can you deliver predictable results in such a wildly unpredictable world? Drawing on decades of experience working with thousands of private and public entities worldwide, we suggest there are a few basic principles that will never let you down principles that help companies win, regardless of the turbulence of the ride or the shock of overwhelming change. If there's one thing that's certain in business, its uncertainty. Still, there are great organizations that perform consistently and with excellence, regardless of the conditions. This practical book is about getting predictable results in good times and bad by applying four key principles.
- Excellent Execution - Winning companies have simple goals with clear targets and strong follow-through. All team members know what to do about the goals and they execute precisely.
- High Trust Levels with All Stakeholders - Low trust slows you down and raises your costs especially in times of turmoil. But when trust levels rise, everything speeds up and costs go down.
- Achieving More with Less - In tough times, everyone tries to do more with less, but the real question is more of what? Winning companies focus on giving more value not just cutting back.
- Transforming Fear into Engagement - Unpredictable times create fear, stress and worry fatal distractions when you need total focus. Winning organizations entrust people with a mission they can believe in, channeling their anxiety into results.
About the Author
Stephen R. Covey, author of the historic bestseller the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, was the cochairman of FranklinCovey. He worked for decades with Presidents, corporate leaders and nonprofit leaders around the world.
Bob Whitman is president and CEO of FranklinCovey and a successful private equity investor.
Breck England has 20 years' experience consulting with major corporations on their strategic planning and communication challenges.
- Author: Stephen R. Covey
- Paperback: 108 pages
- Publisher: Manjul Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.; First edition (12 May 2014)
- Language: Telugu